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EMFields full privacy and data security policy

Our privacy and data security policy

We treat confidentiality and privacy very seriously, and never give out personal information that is provided to us to a third party without express written permission from you to do so.

Any information stored for registration or other purposes on this website are stored purely for verification reasons and not used for any other purpose.

We do not process any forms of payment on this website - you will be connected to either Stripe or Paypal (external sites) when you choose to make your payment after placing an order. No payment information is kept except the value of your order.

We maintain a list of purchasers of our instruments for warranty purposes. You can request to be removed from this list but to do so will invalidate your warranty and any additional support we are able to provide even after your warranty expires.

You can request to see a copy of any information we hold about you at any time. There will be a £10 (plus VAT) charge for this service, and additional shipping costs if you require them in any other format except by email.

The GDPR requires people be informed of a way to contact us. Please use the web contact form on the "Contact Us" link below.

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